Our Story
Our mission is to introduce and expand the Philippine culture in the USA and beyond through art, cuisine, and services.
We are a Filipino family owned online store serving all of your favorite Philippine food, snacks, beauty, and other essentials. We've noticed that many of our Filipino/Filipina American brothers and sisters miss the joys of home and do not have access to any dedicated local Filipino grocery stores in their area.
Thus, with our experience in E-commerce and passion for sustaining our heritage in America, Sukli.com was born.
“Sukli” is a Tagalog word meaning change (money returned after paying for something). It’s the perfect terminology for one of our core customer service values - provide savings by returning leftover money back to our customers.
With over 2000 unique products and a customer first obsession mentality, we’re quickly growing our catalog and reach throughout the USA and Canada.We look forward to serving and growing with the Philippine community in the years to come!