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My Shaldan - Apple Air Freshener with Natural Citrus Oil  - 2.8 OZ
My Shaldan - Apple Air Freshener with Natural Citrus Oil  - 2.8 OZ

Enjoy a citrus aroma all the time in your room with Shaldan Air Freshener. Specially formulated in Japan, My Shaldan V8 air freshener has the classic formula that contains natural citrus oil that produces a real fruit aroma. Depending on the temperature and environment, a can will last up to 8 weeks. Grab your My Shaldan Apple Air Freshener with natural citrus oil now and enjoy the real aroma of apple.

About S.T. Corporation

S.T. Corporation is a company in Japan that aims to become the Global Niche No. 1 with its various brands unique enough to gain market shares in niche markets like deodorant air freshener (Deodorant Power), insect repellant (Mushuda), Deodorant (Charcoal), dehumidifier (Dry Pet), and insect repellent for rice crackers (US TangBan).

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